The big question on everyone’s lips – What factors affect our skins aging process?

Anti ageing

Did you know that from the age of 25 your skin starts its natural ageing process? This is when collagen and elastin production starts to diminish. We start to see the first signs of fine lines appearing.

We know that we start to age, due to the lack of collagen and elastin in the skin as we get older. However, with anti-aging, in both men and women, being at the top of their beauty agendas; the big questions are what affects the natural aging process and how much can we do to slow down the inevitable?

So what are the main factors affecting our skins aging process?

Intrinsic Factors

Intrinsic factors are what we describe in the beauty industry as, the internal genetic factors affecting our skins natural aging process. It’s what we are born with and have very little control over. Our genetics can be an advantage or limit the outcome of our anti-aging routine.

Extrinsic Effects

Extrinsic factors are the external factors that contribute to our skins natural aging process.  External factors include UV exposure (sunlight), smoking, alcohol consumption and diet. We all know the dangers and damaging effects of smoking and alcohol, but many of you may not know that UV light is said to be the most damaging for the skin.

Ultraviolet light is necessary for our bodies to produce Vitamin D to help produce strong bones and increase cellular activity in the body. However, too much UV exposure has a negative effect on our skin. These include skin damage from sunburn. Skin damage can cause pigmentation, giving us an uneven skin tone, in turn adding to the appearance of aged skin. At its worst, sun damaged skin can become cancerous. Additionally, recent studies have shown that many symptoms related to natural aging (e.g. wrinkle, loss of elasticity etc.) may instead be linked to UV exposure – so that tan may look good now, but you could be paying in wrinkles later.

So what can we do to protect ourselves I hear you ask?

Well firstly, the thing you should know is that your face and hands age the fastest. This is because they tend to be more exposed to UV rays throughout our lives. Additionally, even on a cloudy day UV rays still penetrate through. So it is a complete myth that you only need to wear SPF in direct sunlight. Wearing SPF daily is the best way to protect your skin from ageing.

SPFs (sun protection factors) do exactly what they say on the tin, they protect us from sun exposure. Nowadays you can look at a bottle of sun tan lotion and it will give you a clear indication of how high (or low) the protection you will be receiving is. It is recommend by dermatologists to use nothing lower than 15SPF, but 30SPF is more favourable. Also, your SPF should protect from both UVA and UVB rays.

Sun Protection Factor (SPF)

But what are UVA & UVB rays?

Well the easiest way to remember is that UV A is linked to Aging and UV B is linked to Burning and going Brown, so we need to always be protected from both.

The difference between physical and chemical SPF

Protecting ourselves from these damaging rays is becoming more of a ‘must do’. With information being readily available on the dangers of UV exposure from dermatologists, beauty experts and the government. Education for young people on the seriousness of long term exposure without protection has become extremely important. Many cosmetic brands are now incorporating SPF in to their products; such as face creams, foundations and even primers. Click here to find out our favorite cosmetic products that include SPF.

So now we know how we can protect and slow the process of aging, is there anything we can do to reverse the signs of premature aging? This question and many more will be answered on our next blog.

If you are interested in a career as a skincare specialists, check out our beginners facial course to start today!

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